Archive for the ‘for farm’ Category

Стоимость автомобиля в России с начала года выросла на 18% — Supauto.RU (автозапчасти)

Вторник, 23 августа, 2016

Средневзвешенная стоимость автомобиля, проданного в России в 2016 г., выросла до 1 млн 356 тыс. руб,, сообщает аналитическое агентство Автостат. Эта цифра на 18% больше показателей за аналогичный период прошлого года. Тогда средний ценник на автомобиль в России составлял 1 млн 149 тыс. рублей.


Shaving Horse. part 2.

Понедельник, 9 января, 2012

The arm is designed to pivot open when foot pressure is removed, releasing the workpiece. Although we are not absolutely certain of its purpose, we believe that the dowel pin (part I) was intended as a locking mechanism to hold the arm in a fixed position. Because this feature would only be useful in a production environment, when working on repetitive tasks with material of the same thickness, this pin and the hole for it can be eliminated.
To make the shaving horse, first cut stock for parts A through M. Any hardwood can be used. If you do not have a lathe, the turned parts (B and F) can be made square. Use standard dowel stock for the pins (parts H, I, and J) and sand or shave the slight taper on these pieces.

Shaving Horse

Понедельник, 9 января, 2012

Over the years we have had a number of requests for shaving horse plans, spawned perhaps by the renewed interest in hand methods of woodworking. The shaving horse was an important tool in pre-power tool times, and was often customized to best suit the type of work for which it would be used. Although we suspect that this particular shaving horse, which is from the Hancock Shaker Village Museum, was used by a cooper (barrel maker), it has all the common shaving horse features and should serve well for most any drawknife work.