Collecting Breadboard.
This handsome hardwood cutting board should be a useful item in the kitchen. The finger recesses in the two side slats facilitate lift out of the board section for easy cleaning. As shown in the cutting diagram all the hardwood parts of the project can be cut from a 3/4 x 9 x 28 in. board. Rock maple is best because of its strength and hardness.
Begin by cutting to size parts A, B, D, and E. Using the dado head, cut the box joint ends on parts A and B. Then, using the router, cut the 1/4 x 1/4 in. grooves to accept the plywood bottom. Next, bore the 1/2 in. radius finger holes as shown in two of the slats, and mount the slats on the cleats. Note the cleat spacing and take time to drill and countersink for each screw to prevent splitting the wood. Now asscmble. the sides, ends, and bottom. Final sand all parts and rub in several coats of Behlen’s Salad Bowl Finish, a non-toxic oil finish available from Wood Finishing Supply Co., 1267 Mary Drive, Macedon, NY 14502. Cost is $5.32 per pint plus shipping.
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