I thought your article «Installing Machine Woven Cane» was well done — at least up until the last few paragraphs. At that point we began to differ regarding the use of glue. Removing cane and spline that has been glued in place is not an easy job, even if hide glue, which is water soluble, is used.
Over the past 20 or 30 years I’ve had occasion to recane several hundred chairs — many of them done with machine woven material. I never use glue to keep cane or spline in place. If the spline is the right size it will hold the cane for years. Some 25 years ago I used machine woven cane, without glue, to do several of our chairs. 1 still have them and the cane remains snug.
Sometimes when recaning an old chair, I’ll find that, at one or more points, the spline groove has worn too wide. Since the spline can’t fit snugly where the groove is too wide, I’ll use glue — but only at those points when the fit is sloppy.
John W. Olson, Punta Gorda, Fla.
My first whirligig (a woodchopper) was made in 1961. It was for my daughter who, at that time, was less than one year old. He chopped
faithfully for eighteen summers with only an occasional replacement of the linkage. I used ‘/6 in. diameter brazing rod for a tough waterproof link. Now, 24 years and three grandchildren later, I’m back making whirligigs.
I made the Windspinner (as pictured on page 43 of your March/April 1985 issue) on the same afternoon the magazine arrived in the mail. I used some leftover cedar closet lining and it’s quite handsome — and works perfectly.
Bob Wade, Bloomfield, Conn.
Editor’s Now: Several readers who have made the windspinner have told us that if a standard brass fishing swivel is used, it doesn’t take too long before the swivel wears and breaks. We’ve also learned that ball-bearing brass fishing swivels are available and that they work much better. Check your local sporting goods dealer or hardware store. One manufacturer we know of is Sampo in Barneveld, New York.
In the Volume 9, Number 2 issue of The Woodworker’s Journal (March/April 1985) you described the construetion of one of the many variations of the six piece burr puzzle, or the «Chinese Puzzle» as it was called in the article. While the Chinese are famous for their wooden puzzles, as you noted, others in the field deserve credit for their contribution to the originality of the design and manufacture of wooden puzzles. One in particular should be mentioned. He is Stewart T. Coffin of Lincoln, Mass. Readers of your magazine will be pleased to know that I am coordinating a fascinating exhibit of all of Mr. Coffin’s puzzles. The puzzles will be exhibited from October 1 through October 31, 1985 at the Worcester Public Library, Salem Square, Worcester, Massachusetts. More than 100 of the puzzles designed and made by Mr. Coffin will be on display, many of them made of rare wods. There will be duplicate models of many of the puzzles so that they can be shown assembled and apart. Books, journals, and magazine articles on the subject of puzzles from my collection will also be exhibited.
Further information on the exhibit can be obtained by calling Penny Johnson at the Worcester Public Library (6J7-799-1660) or myself (617-757-2124). I thank you for bringing a notice of the exhibit to the attention of your readers.
Joseph E. Lemire, Auburn, Mass. «NCC 6», the Nebraska Crafts Council’s annual show will be held at the College of St. Mary’s in Omaha, Nebraska on September 8-26. To be eligible you must work in a craft related field and be a resident of Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri, or Kansas. Cash awards will be given. For more information send a self addressed stamped envelope to: NCC, P.O. Box 1202, Kearney, NE 68847.
Odds and Ends
The twelfth annual «Vermont Weekend» woodcarvers exhibit, one of the largest woodcarving exhibits in New England, will be presented at the American Legion Hall in Morrisville, Vermont on Saturday, August 17, 1985. Carvers are invited to participate, and the public is urged to attend. For more information contact C.A. Brown, Box 268, Waterville, VT 05492 (telephone: 802-644-5039).
On Saturday, August 3rd, at the Vermont State Craft Center at Frog Hollow, Michael Scott, editor of The Crafts Report will conduct a full day seminar on various business topics of interest to craftspeople. The seminar cost is $20.00. For more information, call or write the Vermont State Craft Center at Frog Hollow, Mill Street, Middlebury, VT 05753 (telephone: 802-388-3177).
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